Graduate Defenses

2024 Defense presentations

Peichen WuNovel data-driven emulator for predicting microstructure evolutions1/24/24; 9:00am; PSHE 130; Zoom Link:
Shuai ShuaiUnderstanding the Mechanism of Vortex Flow Modulation by Inertial Particles2/08/24; 10:30am; GWC 535; Zoom link:
Aditya DeshmukhChallenges in Modulation Doping of MoO3 on hydrogen Terminated diamond with HfO2 interfacial layer2/13/24; 2:00pm; ECG 114
Ji Yeon KimShape optimization of pin fins in heat sinks using Genetic Algorithm3/19/24; 1:00pm; ECG 214
Sachin ShivakumarAnalysis, Estimation, and Control of Partial Differential Equations Using Partial Integral Equation Representation2/26/24; 10:00am; ECG G305
Jose Vanir ValenzuelaAerodynamic Nuances on Wings Subjected to Ground Effect2/26/24; 1:00pm; ECG G335
Hyohun KimJoint Learning of Reward Machines and Policies for Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning in Non-Cooperative Stochastic Games3/25/24; 10:30am; ECG G214
Amogh MeshramModeling and Simulation of Ironmaking using Hydrogen on Laboratory Scale, Pilot Scale, and Industrial Scale3/28/24; 1:00pm; BYENG 628; Zoom Link:
Zakary WildeEffect of Pore Morphology on the Thermal Evolution of PETN and Meso-Erythritol Microstructures under Shock Loading4/10/24; 9:00am; Zoom Link:
Sijie HuangAnalysis of Low-frequency Unsteadiness in Separated Flows Using Vorticity Variants3/27/24; 12:00pm; GWC 109; Zoom Link:
Richard Gabriel NileUnderstanding the Crystallinity-Structure-Property Relationships in Crystalline Polymeric Materials for Enhanced Applications via Novel Characterization Techniques4/2/24; 3:00pm; GWC 109; Zoom Link:
Emmie BenardInvestigation of Amine-Functionalized Polystyrene Networks for Structure, Property, and Performance Relationships in Gas Capture Applications4/1/24; 11:00am; SS 109; Zoom Link:
Erik Maas“Development of an Ultrasound Device for Characterizing Soft Materials and Investigation of Thickness and Force Effects on Peak Density Results”3/27/24; 1:00pm; PSH 230
Mahima Gupta“Towards Affordable Personal Weather Stations: Impact of Geometry and Flow Characteristics on Heat Transfer Coefficient from Heated Cylindrical Sensors
4/1/24; 12:00pm; WCPH 503; Zoom Link:
Sierra Wilferd“Systems Biology Approaches to Discover Mesothelioma Therapies”4/4/24; 11:00am; ISTB1 227; Zoom Link:
Cibin Thomas Jose“Optimization and Implementation of Wind Tunnel Like Capsule for Sweat Evaporation Measurement in Humans”4/2/24; 12:30pm; WCPH 503; Zoom Link:
Chris Gregory“Detailed Balance Analysis of Experimental High-Reflectance Back Contacts for Photovoltaics”4/2/24; 10:00am; ERC 593
Abishek Katta“MOCVD Based In-Situ Etching of β-Ga2O3 using Triethylgallium (TEGa)”4/3/24; 10:00am; ECG G305
Qihang Xu“Physics-guided Machine Learning in Air Traffic Flow Prediction and Optimization”4/2/24; 10:00am; WXLR A311; Zoom Link:
Siddharth Rohit Jain“Design, Fabrication and Characterization of PDMS Pads for Friction based Mobility of Tube Inspector Robot”4/3/24; 10:00am; ECG G320; Zoom Link:
Bradley Grim“Augmented Permittivity and Complex Self-Assembly in Zwitterionic Block Polymers”4/3/24; 11:00am; SS 236; Zoom Link:
Srisuda Rojsatien“Shedding Light on Atomistic Structures of Defects in Polycrystalline Thin-Film Solar Cells via Simulated X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy”4/9/24; 2:00pm; ECG G214; Zoom Link:
Steven Wilson“Unlocking Efficient Thermochemical Energy With Computational Materials Design Through The Compound Energy Formalism”4/5/24; 2:00pm; ECA A219; Zoom Link:
Lei Zhang“Value and Policy Approximation for Two-player General-sum Differential Games”4/8/24; 1:00pm; PSH 330; Zoom Link:
Mohamed El Mistiri“System Identification and Control Systems Engineering Approaches for Optimal and Practical Personalized mHealth Interventions for Physical Activity”4/9/24; 2:00pm; PSH 230; Zoom Link:
Rahul Rathnakumar“Uncertainty-Aware Neural Networks for Decision Support and Engineering Risk Assessment”4/5/24; 1:00pm; ECG G317
Himanshu Dave“A novel Volume Filtered Immersed Boundary (VF-IB) method towards high fidelity multiphase simulations.”4/4/24; 1:00pm; ERC 490
Brian Ridenour“Synthesis, Engineering, and Characterization of Covalent Organic Framework-Based Composite Aerogels”4/424; 3:00pm; ECG G305
Surya Prakash Reddy Mandalreddy“Transmission Electron Microscopy of Formamidinium Lead Bromide and Iodide Perovskite Quantum Dots”4/11/24; 10:00am; PPSH 131; Zoom Link:
Jackson Comes“Experimentally Determined Steady State Biomass Flux Constraints for Flux Balance Analysis of the Fast-Growing Cyanobacterium Synechococcus sp. PCC 11901”4/9/24; 10:00am; BDC L1-21
Rohit Mahavir Gandhi“Thermal Management for 3D Heterogenous Integration of Semiconductor Packaging”4/9/24; 2:00pm; DH L1-39
Sumant Brahmankar“Markerless Genome Editing in C. glutamicum Using CRISPR-Cas9.”4/10/24; 2:00pm; BDC.CL1-21
Tabsheer Ali Askari“Magnetic Tissue Retraction for Endoscopic Surgery”4/12/24; 1:00pm; PSH 130; Zoom Link:
M. Yasir Sayyad“Deciphering the Intrinsic Structure-Property Correlations in
2D Janus Transition Metal Dichalcogenides”
4/9/24; 9:45am; ERC 490
Daniel Rivera“Making the Manufacturing of Cement Zero Net Carbon
via the utilization of the Brayton Cycle”
4/10/24; 9:00am; ECG G305; Zoom Link:
Ajay Kumar Sharma“A Study of Energy Savings Potential of Reflective Roof Coatings in U.S. Climate Zones”4/12/24; 11:00am; ECG G305
Haley McKeown“Leveraging the Power of Ligninolytic Enzymes to Valorize Lignin to Polyvinyl Phenol”4/11/24; 2:45pm; BDC.CL1-21; Zoom Link:
Kartik Tripathi“Electrical and Mechanical Characterization of Hybrid Buckypaper/Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymer Matrix Composites”4/12/24; 1:00pm; PSH 331; Zoom Link:
Kaushik Shankar“Design and Manufacturing of a Shape Memory-Based Actuator”4/12/24; 3:30pm; WXLR A311; Zoom Link:
Nan Xu“Topological Machine Learning for High-Dimensional Data Analysis”4/12/24; 11:00am; ECG G214; Zoom Link:
Sri Ratna Kumar“Design and Modelling Multi-Stable Origami Structures for Adaptive Applications”4/12/24; 2:00pm; WXLR A307; Zoom Link:
Sateesh Pechetti“A Framework for Soft Body Armor Design Using Solid Finite Elements”4/10/24; 12:00pm; ISTB-2 : 201
Hoda Shokrollahzadeh Behbahani“Polysulfones for sustainability related applications”4/11/24; 12:00pm; WCPH 409; Zoom Link:
Harsh Gangwar“Model-Predictive Control Enhanced Energy Management
and Analysis of Dual-Motor Electric Vehicles”
4/12/24; 4:00pm; PRLTA 330R; Zoom Link:
Waseem Shameer“Development of a methodology for cilia-driven flow simulations with incompressible Navier-Stokes equations”4/12/24; 11:00am; GWC 109
Alex Plantz“A Framework for the Design and Optimization of Composites with Electromagnetic Wave Scattering Properties Utilizing Two-Point Spatial Correlation Functions”4/19/24; 9:00am; ECG G305; Zoom Link:
Sai Shashank Peddiraju“IncidentNet: Traffic Incident Detection, Localization
and Severity Estimation with Sparse Sensing”
5/14/24; 12:00pm; CTRPT 102-01; Zoom Link:
Natalie Click“Green Chemistry Leaching and Electrowinning for Lead Recovery from Silicon Solar Panels”6/21/24; 1:00pm; ECG G218; Zoom Link:
Piyush Haluai“Surface Characterization of Nanoparticles: Insights from In Situ Transmission Electron Microscopy”5/24/24; 11:00am; ECG G218; Zoom Link:
Siying Liu“Light-based Advanced Manufacturing and Manipulation of Functional Polymers and Composites”6/5/24; 3:00pm; ECG G305; Zoom Link:
Melike Erdi“Structural and Angle-Resolved Optical and Vibrational Properties of Chiral Topological Trivial Insulator InSeI”6/19/24; 1:30pm; ECG G305; Zoom Link:
Kun Bi“Scalable Structural Modification of Graphene via Electromagnetic Radiation-Activated Nanomanufacturing”7/3/24: 3:00pm; ECG G305: Zoom Link:
Yizhen Zhu“Volumetric Printing of Multi-scale and Multi-material Structures via Light Initiated Direct Growth”6/25/24; 8:00am; ECG G320; Zoom Link:
Prakash Kumar“A Study on the Extraction of Geometrical Parameters from Flexible Mechanical Components and Assemblies and their Impact on Performance: A Machine Learning Approach”6/27/24; 2:00pm; ECG G305; Zoom Link:
Saurabh Sharma“Investigating oxidation behavior of stable nanocrystalline alloys”7/2/24; 2:00pm; ECG G320; Zoom Link:
Haofan Sun“A novel thermal design and modeling for FDM 3D pinting”6/27/24; 4:00pm; ECG G214; Zoom Link:
Syed Syhaan Shakeel“Synthesis and Characterization of Ca-Ce-Ti-Mn Perovskites for Solar Thermochemical
6/28/24; 11:20am; WCPH 503; Zoom Link:
Yash Mistry“Abstraction, Implementation, and Validation of Bio-inspired Design Principles using Novel Computational Design tool and Additive Manufacturing”7/8/24; 10:00am; ECG G320; Zoom Link:
Aman Saketh Bolem“Developing High-Performance Sodium-Ion Battery Cathodes: A Study on
Na(NixFeyMnz)O2 with Varying Nickel Compositions”
7/1/24; 2:00pm; ECG G320; Zoom Link:
Zishuo Zhao“Impact of TMSB/VC Additives for Ni-Rich NMC Cathode in Li Metal Batteries”7/2/24; 1:00pm; ECG G305; Zoom Link:
Angel Martinez Rodriguez“Comparative Analysis of Energy Efficiency Recommendations: A Case Study between Guatemala and the United States”7/2/24; 11:00am; ECG G320
Venkata Sai Charan Anudeep Akondi“Modeling and analysis of flow over rooftop structures in urban environment”7/2/24; 2:00pm; ECG G214; Zoom Link:
Brendan Wacenske“Utilizing a Raspberry Pi Based Control Systems to Monitor and Control CO2 delivery from Intermediate Gas Storage”7/3/24; 10:00am; ISTB3 140; Zoom Link:
Nicholas Fette“Enabling Systems for Energy Transitions”7/8/24; 2:30pm; ECG G305
Abhinav Chavali“Direct Ink Writing of PVDF/CA/PEG water treatment membranes”7/8/24; 4:00pm; ERC 490; Zoom Link:
Rohan Khaire“Analysis, Reconstruction, and Validation of pre-crash scenarios for Class-8 trucks”7/8/24; 4:00pm; PRLTA 330R; Zoom Link:
Jayesh Nagpal“Learning Relational Abstractions for Task and Motion Planning”7/8/24; 11:00am; BYENG 598; Zoom Link:
Bhaumik Bheda“Granular Heat Transfer in a Rotary Drum: Experimental Study of Radiation and Conduction, and Statistical Analysis of Segregation through Three-Dimensional Discrete Element Modeling”7/19/24; 9:00am; ECG G335; Zoom Link:
Rayva Ranade“Multiscale Investigation of the Effects of Thermal and Mechanical Properties on the Performance of Advanced Materials”7/24/24; 2:00pm; ECG G214; Zoom Link:
Arren Liu“Metabolic Engineering for the Biomanufacturing of Specialty Chemicals from Lignocellulosic Biomass”7/26/24; 11:00am; BDC CL1-21; Zoom Link:
Saurabh Vishwakarma“Characterization of Ultra-wide Bandgap Semiconductors”8/13/24; 10:30am; ECG G218; Zoom Link:
Cody Kamoku“Synthetic biology tools to enhance genetic engineering and development of cyanobacterial cell factories”8/30/24; 12:00pm; BDC.CL1-21; Zoom Link:
Diana Kumar“Powder Wetting and Granule Formation in Nucleation-Isolated Wet Granulation Processes”9/9/24; 10:00am; PSH 130; Zoom Link:
Ryan Stikeleather“Mass Spectrometry and Bioinformatics for Determining Translation Error Rates”10/22/24; 1:30pm; BDA AL-10/14
Nicole Whyte“Evaluation of Spall Damage and Local Deformation in FCC Materials with Embedded Defects”9/20/24; 10:00am; PSH 230; Zoom Link:
Ali Alshami” Laser Sintered 3D-printed Refractory Metal Alloys Pin Tools for Friction Stir Welding (FSW) of Steels and High-Temperature Materials”10/9/24; 12:30pm; PSH 433; Zoom Link:
Husain Mithaiwala“Molecular-Scale Solutions to Macro-Scale Problems: Investigations in Water Treatment and Plastic Upcycling”10/17/24; 12:00pm; DISCVRY 181; Zoom Link:
Zachary Leuty“Scaling Emerging Solar Cell Technologies: Innovative Methods, Materials, and Metrology”10/25/24; 10:00am; DH L1-33; Zoom Link:
Irving Edwin Ramirez Chavez“Aperiodicity in Cellular Materials: A Multiscale Analysis of Mechanical Behavior”10/21/24; 1:30pm; PSH 130; Zoom Link:
Shreyas Kanetkar“Fundamentals of Liquid Metal Composites and Emulsions”10/22/24; 9:30am; WCPH 477; Zoom Link:
Pranav Rajesh“Intelligent Parking Guidance System using Edge Computing, Computer Vision & Internet of Things”10/24/24; 12:00pm; PRLTA 330R
David Quispe“Wide-Bandgap Materials as Carrier-Selective Contacts in Silicon Heterojunction, Perovskite, and Perovskite/Silicon Tandem Solar Cells”10/29/24; 11:00am; PSH 130; Zoom Link:
Abdulmajeed Alenezi“The Influence of Ultrasonic Vibrations on Convective Heat Transfer and Pressure Dynamics in Multi-Geometrical Heat Transfer Systems Using Water, Propylene Glycol, and Ionic Liquids”10/24/24; 1:30pm; PSH 231; Zoom Link:
Arvind Iyer“Reexamining Busemann’s Wing Sweep Theory and Implications on Leading Edge Tubercles”10/30/24; 1:00pm; PSH 230; Zoom Link:
John Atkins“Control of physical human-robot interaction using self-evaluating deep motion intention estimation for industrial robotic applications”10/30/24; 10:00am; ISTBX L1-14; Zoom Link:
Kshitish Raghavendra Mujumdar“Study of Magnetic Textures in Magnetic Materials”10/28/24; 3:30pm; ECG G320
Xinyu Jiang“Machine Learning for Advanced Materials Design across Dimensions”10/28/24; 10:30am; Zoom Link:
Yogesh Kumar“Design, Contact Modeling, and Collision-inclusive Planning of a Dual-stiffness Aerial RoboT (DART)”10/28/24; 2:00pm; PSH 130; Zoom Link:
Kayshavi Bakshi“Open-Air Processing of Mechanically Robust Metal Halide Perovskites with Controllable Thicknesses above 10 µm”10/31/24; 10:30am; PSH 231
Alison Haymaker“Electron Microscopy: A Study in Applications and Methods”11/01/24; 3:00pm; BDC C355
Zoltan Farkas“Protection of Sensitive Devices by Elastomeric Isolators in Space Applications”11/1/24; 9:00am; Durham Hall L1-32; Zoom Link:
Lyle Bartels“Novel Methods for Studying Human Heat Transfer Using a Thermal Manikin: Extreme Heat
Enabled Thermo-Physiological Simulation and Radiation Filtering”

10/28/24; 12:00 pm; WCPH 477; Zoom Link:
Eugene Wu“Evaluation of Classical Piston Theory as a Design Analysis Method”10/31/2024; 1:00 PM; PSH 231; Zoom Link:
Adil Ansari“Liquid Nanosheets and Microdrops: 3D-Printed Microfluidic Nozzles
for Femtosecond X-ray Solution Scattering”

11/1/2024; 12:00 PM; ECG G218; Zoom Link:
Sunder Swaminathan“A Safety Case Framework for Automated Vehicle Safety Evaluation”11/1/2024; 4:30 PM; Peralta 330R; Zoom Link:
Matthew Kurecki“Effect of Cr2O3 Addition on Viscosity, Foaming Height, and Phase
Evolution of EAF Slags”

11/1/2024; 1:00 PM; BYAC 260; Zoom Link:
Anand Anil Kumar“A Study on the Effects of a BioPCM on an ASU building”10/30/2024; 1:00 PM; PSH 331
Mona Rafat“Assessment of Beaded, Powdered, and Coated Desiccants for
Atmospheric Water Harvesting – A Comparative Bench-Scale Study”

11/1/2024; 10:00 AM; ISTB4 492; Zoom Link: