Once a doctoral student has passed the required comprehensive examination and the prospectus is approved, he/she is admitted to candidacy. Candidacy indicates that a student has completed all coursework and will only be working on research, seminar and dissertation credit hours. Student will receive a written notification indicating the status of candidacy from the Office of Graduate Education.
Prior to enrollment in BDE 799, Dissertation, students will meet with their Supervisory Committee and Graduate Advisor to confirm readiness to begin writing their dissertation and to request approval of dissertation outline.
Thesis/Dissertation Preparation and Support
Once the student has completed all research and is in the process of writing the dissertation, the student will meet with the Graduate Advisor to discuss the process, deadlines, and requirements. Students will also be expected to make a public presentation about their research findings. This will take place in a public arena directed towards the non-scientific community.
The time, date and location for both the dissertation defense and the public presentation need to be determined by the student, including any arrangements to reserve a conference room. The student must also complete the appropriate steps at least 10 working days prior to the scheduled defense date.