Electric, optical and magnetic materials

Mariana Bertoni

Mariana Bertoni
Fulton Energy and Materials Professor
Electrical Engineering

Research Interests
Solar absorbers and materials for energy conversion, semiconductors and oxides for carrier extraction, Synthesis and Defect Engineering, Correlative nano-scale characterization, In-situ and operando characterization, Synchrotron X-ray microscopy, X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy, X-ray Ptychography.

Zhaoyang Fan

Zhaoyang Fan
School of Electrical, Computer and Energy Engineering

Research Interests
Novel electronic/photonic materials include phase-change materials and ionic conducting materials; Neuromorphic devices; Electrochemistry and advanced battery technology; Nanobiotechnology

Fernando A. Ponce

Fernando A. Ponce
Department of Physics

Research Interests
Semiconductor materials for applications in photovoltaics, optoelectronics, and high power electronics, atomic level characterization of materials and correlation with optical and electronic properties, high-angle annular dark field imaging, cathodoluminescence, electron holography, low-loss electron energy loss spectroscopy.

Nicholas Rolston

Nicholas Rolston
Assistant Professor
Electrical Engineering

Research Interests
Study of the connection between material degradation in renewable energy materials and devices with the evolution of mechanical and environmental stress. Goal is to develop the next-generation of photovoltaics and battery technology using the paradigm of design for reliability.

David Smith

David Smith
Regents’ Professor
Department of Physics

Research Interests
Development and applications of atomic-resolution electron microscopy and spectroscopy; oxide / semiconductor interfaces; solar-cells and optoelectronic devices; nanostructured materials; high-power III-nitride devices.

Feng Yan

Feng Yan 
Associate Professor
Materials science and engineering

Research Interests
Thin film and nanomaterials for solar energy harvesting and conversion; low-dimensional semiconducting chalcogenides and Metal Thioseleno Phosphates; thin film ferroelectrics and multiferroics, scanning probe microscopy for nanoscale characterization, photomechanical response of the semiconductor materials; photoelectrochemical and photocatalysts; biomass materials for nanofibrous composites.

Sui Yang

Sui Yang 
Assistant Professor
Materials science and engineering

Research Interests
Artificial materials across the scales, placing an emphasis in architecting light-matter interactions that expand or break the traditional technological boundaries.